I wrote my own hugo theme for this site.
It is meant to be simple and maintainable and still accomondate all needed visuals.
By that I mean that all the cool features that AsciiDocs specifices and that are then rendered into HTML
should also look solid when they are displayed using the theme.
Currently there are a few major design choices:
Side notes
The side notes on the left that got introduced earlier are defining a lot of the visuals already.
They are inspired by Tufte CSS.
In Tufte they are meant to show footnotes which would otherwise be displayed at the very bottom of the page - which is a constraint that doesn’t make much sense on the internet.
Now I end up having both: Footnotes and sidenotes.
I think I will end up using footnotes for serious citation (if I will ever get to do this) and sidenotes for when the text might drift into a different direction that I don’t want to end up in.
The Terms of Content
To visually balance the sidenotes on the left side, I decided to add an optional ToC on the right side.
Again, if you are on a phone, you won’t be able to see it due to the small screen.
The only javascript in this whole theme is currently being used for the ToC highlighting of the current section and it is about 20 lines long.
It’s still all usable without javascript but I think it gives a nice touch.
I decided to opt for a light theme as they generally look more professional and clean on the internet.
Ideally the site would use the preferred colorscheme through a media query like that:
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {